
Welcome to the Prince Edward Island Association of Community Schools website.

Over 2500 Islanders attend community schools programming each winter and fall across the province. Courses such as guitar, arts, crafts, introductory computer, and many more are offered to all Islanders. PEI Community Schools have been in existence for over 50 years and depend on volunteers to plan, organize and deliver programs of interest to all age groups.

For a complete list of schools and courses please visit the calendar pages, either fall or winter, or to view each school separately, you now have the option of clicking on the school of your choice to see information on that particular school.  We will strive to put as much information as possible on these pages for your convenience.

Some of our schools have their own Facebook pages.

For further information call June Ellis at 892-3445 or send an email peicommunityschools@gmail.com.

Also you may wish to sign up for our electronic mail list.  We will periodically send out relevant information and you can receive it directly in your email!  Please be assured that your email address will be kept strictly confidential and not shared with any other parties.


If you would like to teach or just help out at one of our schools, please call the contact number at the desired location.

Winter schools advertising will go out in December, just after Christmas.  The Fall courses will be posted in an ad  in September. Advertising may also be on-line and at various local bulletin boards