Community School 2024-2025
Fall classes started in September at the following schools.
Donagh,Knotty Knitters (O’Leary), O’Leary, Stratford, Summereside Intermediate and Vernon River.
All classes have been listed. Some may be added if instructors are found. Please look at the school closer to your location and to make it extra fun, take along a friend or two.
If you are interested in becoming an instructor, please contact the Provincial Coordinator as we are always looking for volunteer instructors.
Winter classes started in January 2025
The schools this year are:
Alberton, Kensington, Knotty Knitters (located in O’Leary), St. Eleanor’s, Tyne Valley/Ellerslie, Bluefield, Charlottetown Rural, Englewood, Grand Tracadie, Morell, Murray Harbour, and St. Margaret’s (note location change to Souris Regional School). Other schools will be added.
Looking forward to a successful year
(For regular updates, please go to our Facebook Page –
PEI Association of Community Schools
Over 2500 Islanders attend community schools programming each winter and fall across the province. Courses such as guitar, arts, crafts, introductory computer, and many more are offered to all Islanders. PEI Community Schools have been in existence for over 50 years and depend on volunteers to plan, organize and deliver programs of interest to all age groups.
For a complete list of schools, please check the side panel of this site and it will tell you if it is a Winter, Fall or Seniors School. Once you click on the school you are interested in, you should be taken to that school’s page. Some of our Seniors schools run year round and even though it is a “senior’ school, many will accept residents of the community that would just like to join in! We will strive to put as much information as possible on these pages for your convenience.
Also you may wish to sign up for our e-Newsletter.We will periodically send out relevant information and you can receive it directly in your email! Please be assured that your email address will be kept strictly confidential and not shared with any other parties. If you find you are not getting your emails, please check your junk mail and move it to your ordinary mail. Thank you.
If you would like to be a volunteer instructor or just help out at one of our schools, please call the contact number at the desired location.
The Island wide flyer to advertise our winter schools will go out in December (between Christmas and New Years) in the flyer packs. An ad goes out in the paper in August showing the schools and classes offered for the Fall Classes. They will start in September. Advertising is different for the Winter and Fall sessions, so please check on-line and at various local bulletin boards!
We would like to thank the provincial government of Prince Edward Island for their continued support and funding. Without their help, much of our program would not be able to exist. A sincere thank you from all of us at PEIACS.